From Robert Ley’s “Organization Book of the NSDAPî (1936) From Robert Ley’s (chief of the Nazi party organization) “Organization Book of the NSDAP” (1936). Source : B. C. Sax & D. Kuntz, Inside Hitler’s Germany, (Massachusetts, 1992), pp.163-165. The Fuehrer Principle The Party was created by the Fuehrer out of the realization that if our people were to live and advance towards an era of prosperity they had to be led according to an ideology suitable for our race. They must have as supporters men above average, that means, men who surpass others in self-control, discipline, efficiency, and greater judgment. The party will therefore always constitute a minority, the order of the National Socialist ideology which comprises the leading elements of our people. Therefore the party comprises only fighters, at all times prepared to assume and to give everything for the furtherance of the National Socialist ideology. Men and women whose primary and most sacred duty is to serve the people. The NSDAP as the leading element of the German people control the entire public life, from an organizational point of view, as well as from that of affiliates, the organizations of the state administration, and so forth. In the long run it will be impossible to let leaders retain responsible offices if they have not been recognized by the Party. Furthermore, the party shall create the prerequisites for a systematic selection of potential "Fuehrers." The reconstruction of the National Socialist organizational structure itself is demonstrated by the observation of the following principles: The Fuehrerprinzip. The subordination and coordination within the structure of the entire organization. The regional unity. The expression of the practical community thought. I. FUEHRER PRINCIPLE [FUEHRERPRINZIP] The Fuehrer Principle requires a pyramidal organization structure in its details as well as in its entirety. & 9;The Fuehrer is at the top. & 9;He nominates the necessary leaders for the various spheres of work of the Reich's direction, the Party apparatus and the State administration. & 9;Thus a clear picture of the tasks of the party is given. & 9;The Party is the order of "Fuehrers." It is furthermore responsible for the spiritual-ideological National Socialist direction of the German people. The right to organize people for their own sake emanates from these reasons. & 9;This also justifies the subordination to the party of the organizations concerned with the welfare of the people, besides the inclusion of people in the affiliates of the party, the SA, SS, NSKK [Motor Corps], the Hitler Youth, the NS Women's League, the NS German Student Union and the NS German "Dozentenbund" [University lectures association]. & 9;This is where the National Socialist Fuehrer structure becomes more strongly apparent. & 9;Every single affiliate is cared for by an office of the NSDAP. & 9;The leadership of the individual affiliates is appointed by the Party. & 9;The Reich Organization Leader [Reichsorganisationsleiter] of the NSDAP is simultaneously leader of the DAF [German Labor Front]. The NSBO [Factory Cell Organization] is the & 9;organization bearer of the DAF. & 9;The Leader of the Central Office for Public Welfare also handles within the "Personal union" the National Socialist People's Welfare Organization and the Winter Relief. & 9;The same applies to: The Reich Justice Office [Reichsrechtsamt] for the NS "Rechtswahrerbund," The Central Office for Public Health for the NS German Medical Association, The Central Office for Educators for the NS Teachers Association, The Central Office for Civil Servants for the German Association of Civil Servants, The Central Office for War Victims for the NS War Victim Relief, The Central Office for Technology for the NS Association of German Technology. The Central Office for Race and Resettlement handles the National Association of Families with Numerous Children [Reichsbund der Kinderreichen], the NS Womanhood [Frauenschaft] and the Women's Work Association. The Reich Office for Agrarian Politics of the NSDAP remains furthermore in closest touch with the "Reichnahrstand" [Reich Food Corporation] which is anchored in the State. Direct handling and personal contact of the leaders is also provided in this manner. All attached affiliates, as well as the offices of the Party, have their foundation, in the same manner as in the Reich direction, in the sovereign territories, in the Gaue and furthermore in the districts [Kreise] and if required in the local groups of the NSDAP. This applies also to cells and blocks in the case of the NS Women's League, the DAF, and the NSV. The members of the attached affiliates will be included in local administrations, respectively district sectors or district comradeship's which correspond geographically to local groups of the Party.